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General Terms of Use of the Platform

The Plant Bioinformatics Facility proposes different types of services and resources to its users:

  •   Data integration in the GnpIS information system:
    • Data access can be public (by default under a CC-BY 4.0 license) or limited to a consortium of partners who will receive from the Plant Bioinformatics Facility a login and a password. The duration of the data storage is described in the consortium agreements of formal projects or in the application form for a service of data storage or integration. Data considered as patrimonial by INRAE (genetic resources, phenotyping data) are stored permanently. However, the platform does not guaranty the access to data, would the URGI unit be terminated by INRAE.
    • A data management plan, taking into account a possible obsolescence of the data is elaborated via the application form .
  • Access to computing and storage resources :
    • Results obtained by using Plant Bioinformatics Facility’s computing and storage resources are the sole property of the user who has the complete responsibility of the analysis and archival processes. The user is asked to cite the Plant Bioinformatics Facility in any publication derived from this use: “This work was performed using the Plant Bioinformatics Facility (".
    • The duration of data storage is free for 6 months renewable once on demand. Beyond that time, a charged contract is established.
  • Trainings : conditions for registration and attendance to the trainings delivered by the platform are published in advance. The Plant Bioinformatics Facility is not certified for teaching and only aims at transmitting its knowledge to facilitate research and extension in agronomical research.
  • Web sites giving access to services and resources of the Plant Bioinformatics Facility : their general terms of use are described in the credits and general terms of use of the URGI web site.

The Plant Bioinformatics Facility has a Data Management Plan (DOI : 10.15454/9HM5UI ).

Last update: February 22, 2021

Update: 22 Feb 2021
Creation date: 09 Mar 2018