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Data & Federation services

URGI provides a comprehensive FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data management and repository service, designed to maximize genetic, phenotypic, and genomic data usage and access by the research community. We have a key role and expertise for plant genetic resources and phenomics data management and exchange within national and internationals infrastructures.



Data and Federation activities rely on the two following services: 

  • FAIR data management and repository services

URGI supports data curation, standardization, validation and sharing in GnpIS information system (core database, Genome Browsers, Intermines, BLAST) and the submission in international data repositories ( Recherche Data Gouv/URGI , ENA). Thus, it facilitates data visibility and reusability as well as a first level of integration i.e. linking between heterogeneous datasets through common genetic resources.

URGI develops and promote standards for phenotyping data exchange. 

In the frame of national or European projects, we also offer support for data management, including the design and steering of data exchange workflows, using URGI storage infrastructure and dedicated tools such as Fairdom-Seek .

  • Data portals for federations

URGI develops data portal for national ( RARe ) and international ( FAIDARE , WheatIS ) federations and manage the communities behind them. These portals allow finding of different type of public research data using lightweight keyword based search, plus dedicated filters.

The service includes support for adding new sources to these federations.




GnpIS ( ) : Information system develop and maintained by URGI for the Plant community of INRAE and its partners. It is focused on Plant Genetic Resources (PGR), Phenomics and still host legacy datasets for genetic data.

FAIDARE ( ) : FAIDARE ( ) is a data discovery portal that allows searching over more than forty plant research databases over the world, including GnpIS and Recherche Data Gouv. It eases datasets findability and access of most plant research data types, including in particular genotyping, phenotyping and germplasms.

RARe( ) : This is the data portal for RARe ( ), a research infrastructure included in the national roadmap. It brings together five networks of BRCs conserving genetic, genomic and biological resources assembled and characterised by research on domestic animals, model or cultivated plants, wild species related to domestic animals, forest trees, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, and environmental micro-organisms and organisms. The aim of the RARe portal is to facilitate discovery and access to this data.

WheatIS ( ) : The ‘WheatIS Data Discovery’ is a web portal for searching and accessing wheat data in international databases. Its a subset of FAIDARE. It belongs to the WheatIS working group ( ) of the Wheat Initiative (, which is building an international wheat information system to support the wheat research community. 

Information on how to access data management and visualization service
The information on how to publish data on our visualization tools are available here
Our services through GnpIS : Ephesis, Siregal, JBrowse, InterMine, PlantSyntentViewer
Tutorials guidelines and trainings
Update: 10 Sep 2024
Creation date: 29 Jul 2024