Sample : 11144


Sample details

Name 11144
Type EST
Description Dev stage: anthesis | cultivar: harus | Description: null | growth place: null | soil condition: null | sowing date: null | harvesting date: null | stress date: null | comment: null
Taxon Triticum aestivum
Tissue heads
Contact . OUELLET


Library details

Name 11144
Obtention strategy Clone
Protocol Molecular weigth: null | Lib seq origin: null | Definition: Ta04_AAFC_ECORC_Fusarium_graminearum_inoculated_wheat_heads | Target genes: null | nb seq planned: null (5') null (3') | Labo: null | lib orientation: null | lib primed: null | Controled chamber-grown wheat heads were spray inoculated at mid-anthesis with a Fusarium graminearum macroconidial suspension (50, 000 spores/ml) and kept under intermitent misting for 24 hours, then collected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. | comment: null