21 Jan 2014 Six URGI talks at PAG XXII

Grape Genome Initiative: W406 - Toward the Improvement of the Gene Centered Information in Grapevine Genomics

Presenters: Anne-Francoise Adam-Blondon INRA, Jérôme Grimplet CSIC, Universidad de La Rioja, Gobierno de La Rioja, Pierre-François BERTUniversité de Bordeaux, Oliver Bitz Geisenheim University, Dario Cantu University of California Davis, Grant R. Cramer University of Nevada, Reno,Christopher Davis CSIRO Plant Industry, Serge Delrot Université de Bordeaux, Mario Pezzotti University of Verona, Stephane Rombauts VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University


Computer Demos 1C02 - Wheat 3B Annotation Viewer: Browse the 3B Annotated Reference Sequence Linked to the Genetic and Physical Maps

Presenters: Michael Alaux INRA - URGI, Loic Couderc INRA - URGI, Frederic Choulet INRA GDEC, Etienne Paux INRA GDEC, Aminah Keliet INRA - URGI, Delphine Steinbach INRA - URGI, Catherine Feuillet Bayer CropScience, Hadi Quesneville INRA - URGI


IWGSC - Standards and ProtocolsW469 - IWGSC Sequence Repository at URGI: New Features and Blast Tool

Presenters: Michael Alaux INRA - URGI, Françoise Alfama INRA - URGI, Loic Couderc INRA - URGI, Véronique Jamilloux INRA - URGI, Claire ViseuxINRA - URGI, Mikael Loaec INRA - URGI, Delphine Steinbach INRA - URGI, Hadi Quesneville INRA - URGI


GMODW396 - URGI Plant and Fungi Platform: Distributed Resources through GMOD Tools

Presenters: Joelle Amselem INRA - URGI, Michael Alaux INRA - URGI, Nathalie Choisne INRA - URGI, Olivier Inizan INRA - URGI, Nicolas Lapalu INRA - URGI, Nacer Mohellibi INRA - URGI, Françoise Alfama INRA - URGI, Aminah Keliet INRA - URGI, Erik Kimmel INRA - URGI, Jonathan Kreplak INRA - URGI, Claire Viseux INRA - URGI, Mikael Loaec INRA - URGI, Cyril Pommier INRA - URGI, Matthias Zytnicki INRA - MIA, Delphine Steinbach INRA - URGI, Marc-Henri Lebrun INRA - UMR BIOGER, Hadi Quesneville INRA - URGI


Plant and Animal PaleogenomicsW570 - Long-Term Impact of Repetitive Elements on Plant Genomes and Biology

Presenters: Florian Maumus INRA - URGI, Hadi Quesneville INRA - URGI


Managing Crop Phenotype Data : W493 - Information System for Phenotype Data: Trait, Trials and Genotypes Identification and Integration in GnpIS

Presenters: Cyril Pommier INRA - URGI, Michael Alaux INRA - URGI, Sophie Durand INRA - URGI, Raphael Flores INRA - URGI, Aminah Keliet INRA - URGI, Erik Kimmel INRA - URGI, Célia Michotey INRA URGI, Nacer Mohellibi INRA - URGI, Dorothee Valdenaire INRA URGI, P. Roumet AGAP - INRA,Delphine Steinbach INRA - URGI, Hadi Quesneville INRA - URGI

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