
Quality policy

The Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF, https://doi.org/10.15454/1.5572414581735654E12 ) is hosted by the Unité de Recherche en Génomique-Info (URGI) of INRAE (Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement).
PlantBioinfoPF supports the genetics and genomics programs of the Plant Biology and Improvement (BAP) and Ecology and Biodiversity (ECODIV) departments by (i) contributing to open science-compatible management of the data produced in these two departments, (ii) providing researchers with tools and an environment adapted to reproducible analyses for annotation of transposable elements.
PlantBioinfoPF is in line with objective OP 2.4 "Research infrastructures" of the INRAE 2030 strategic document, in partnership with other national, European and international infrastructure players.

URGI is ISO 9001 certified since 2012. We reviewed the scope of our Quality Management System in 2022, refocusing it solely on PlantBioinfoPF's activities. It is still focused on continuous improvement, risks and opportunities, and stakeholder satisfaction. All our members are committed to this approach and contribute to it.
Our Quality Management System applies to services for (i) data integration and implementation of data federations, (ii) annotation of transposable elements in genomes via a virtual research environment, (iii) dissemination of bioinformatics know-how and support in using the platform's tools. These services are supported by a virtualized hardware and software infrastructure, user support and a communication plan.
Its structure is shown in our process map.


Our QMS helps us to achieve the following objectives:
O1 - Maintain, develop, evaluate and enhance our services and infrastructure to better meet the needs of our users
O2 - Promote our platform to the scientific community
O3 - Disseminate our expertise in bioinformatics and support the use of our tools
O4 - Consolidate our strategic position in our partner ecosystem and develop new collaborations
O5 - Contribute to INRAE's open science policy
These general objectives have been broken down into more specific ones in our annual roadmap. They are reviewed during our process and management reviews.

Roadmap 2022 - 2023
O1 Maintain, develop, evaluate and enhance our services and infrastructure
- Merge the Data-Discovery and FAIDARE tools to facilitate maintenance and offer users more extensive and effective functionalities.
- Implementation of BrAPI v2 in FAIDARE to bring us up to date with the latest version of the standard, which is currently being implemented in the IS around GnpIS (OLGA, Florilège).
- Improved processing times for ODS data: target of 70% of arbitrated ODS processed by 2023, 80% by 2024.
- Improved portability of REPET by rewriting it in SnakeMake
- Upgrade of our infrastructure to the ProxMox virtualization solution with CEPH storage
- Implementation of a backup solution for CEPH storage
- Information System security: perform risk analysis and define action plan
O2 Promote our platform to the scientific community
- Draw up annual communication plan
- Redesign of the platform's website
O3 Disseminate our bioinformatics know-how and support the use of our tools
- Define the annual training plan
- Inclusion of our training courses in the IFB national catalog

O4 Consolidate our strategic position and develop new partnerships
- CSR: draw up a greenhouse gas emissions assessment action plan
- ISO 9001 version 2015 certification for the platform
O5 Contribute to INRAE's open science policy
- Indexing of URGI dataverse from de Recherche Data Gouv datasets in FAIDARE
- Production of V2 of the platform's PGD

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